About The Project

The COR-School project is the result of a prestigious recognition as the winning initiative
under the National Program, funded by the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, within the framework of the State Plan
for R+D+I 2020–2024.

The project, titled “Evaluación de diversos parámetros de salud y niveles de actividad física
en la escuela primaria y secundaria” (grant number PID2020-117932RB-I00), focuses on assessing various health parameters and physical activity levels in primary and secondary school children.

This award highlights the innovative and impactful nature of the research, aimed at improving our understanding of cardiometabolic health and promoting physical activity in youth.

Main Objectives /

– Assess cardiometabolic risk through the analysis of cardiac troponins (hs-cTnT).
– Establish reference values for youth populations.
– Contribute to the development of clinical and educational guidelines.

Impact /

This project is key to better understanding cardiovascular responses to exercise and improving cardiometabolic risk prevention in young populations. The findings will help establish public health strategies and evidence-based school guidelines.

Duration and Design: Three-year longitudinal study with three assessments (baseline and two follow-ups).

Methods /

– Biomarker analysis (troponins, cholesterol).
– Physical fitness tests (20-m SRT, horizontal jump).
– Health questionnaires (physical activity, sleep, diet).
– Geographic Scope: Sports clubs in northeastern Spain.

and Results


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